Exercising Outdoors in Cold Weather – Safety Tips to Follow

Exercising Outdoors in Cold Weather

Exercising never harms. It energizes, motivates and inspires. Come any season, you do it to stay fit and enjoy the riches of life. However, doing it outdoors in cold weather calls for some precautions. After all, you don’t want frigid temperatures, chilly winds and icy conditions to take a toll on the body. But cold weather should not dampen your spirit either as a few precautions can keep you away from any seasonal hazards. You can continue you work-out schedule even in cooler months but not without taking some simple safety measures.

Here are some key safety tips to follow when exercising outdoors in cold weather –

  • First of all, you should know that exercising in cold weather is safe for everyone provided due care is taken
  • People with certain health conditions such as asthma or heart problems should first consult the doctor before embarking upon the work-out
  • It’s advisable to check weather conditions and wind chill, or general forecast before going outside to exercise
  • You ought to plan a safe workout based on the temperature, wind and moisture outside
  • Extreme cold conditions with chilly winds are not safe even if you have worn warm clothing of any quality
  • Any exposed skin during the work-out can boost risk factors for frostbite and hypothermia
  • Put on waterproof gear if it’s snowing or raining outside as getting wet means you are prone to the cold
  • You should know the signs and risk of frostbite and hypothermia before planning an outdoor exercise routine
  • Young children and older adults are more at risk of hypothermia when they exercise in cold and it rains
  • Never try to dress too warmly when you do work-out in cold weather and rather dress in layers to manage heat
  • Your body will generate heat during or after exercise and the evaporation of sweet can pull that heat and make you feel chilled which is harmful
  • Dressing in layers means you can take off clothes as you heat and sweat to avoid the chill
  • Make sure to have appropriate insulation as per your weight as leaner people will need more layers than heavier ones
  • Try to finish your work-out in one go and never create a situation where you sweat and then chill as it can make you prone to the cold
  • Have extra protection for your head, feet, hands and ears as these parts are more vulnerable to frostbite
  • Make sure you have worn a sunscreen to block harmful rays, and also complement it with a lip balm
  • Wear goggles or dark glasses to get full protection to eyes from snow and ice glare
  • Try to stay as hydrated as you can as dehydration is as common in winter as in summer but colder weather does not allow us to feel so
  • If possible, avoid exercising in extremely cold weather as it is fraught with lots of health risks worth not taking at all
  • During winter reason, you can stay indoors, order medical instruments online and live peacefully as one should.