What You Need to Know About MMJ Certification in Arizona

What You Need to Know About MMJ Certification in Arizona

The MMJ Certification in Arizona is the most sought-after document for those suffering from conditions qualified for Marijuana. As you can see, people are claiming to have benefited from taking medical Marijuana. If you are very curious, you need to know about getting this certification or card before getting started. The card or certifications make you safe from legal arrests and impediments. The local state mandates it despite the controversial issues raised by the Federal State.

Is Decriminalization of Marijuana Good or Bad

Use of Marijuana has always been a controversial subject where its supporters claim great benefits and physical advantages by using it, and its critics support different physical, social and economic disadvantages caused by them. Since different states like Arizona, Colorado, California and Washington D.C., etc. have legalized the use of Marijuana and in 2015 Colorado state earned approximately $996 million from the sale of Marijuana alone. It has given a boost to the supporter of marijuana that it could be a financial success if we further research and publicize about the use of it. To legalize everything, you should know how to get your mmj certification in Arizona and secure it.

Why Do You Need a Medical Marijuana Card?

If you are suffering from chronic symptoms that detract from your overall quality of life, and you think that medical marijuana may help you to treat those symptoms, then you may want to look into getting a medical marijuana card. If you are using marijuana to treat your ailments and you don’t have a medical marijuana card, you are not protected from prosecution or imprisonment. Thankfully, there are some rather quick ways for you to obtain your marijuana card in this state.

How Do You Get a Medical Marijuana Card?

There are five steps that you must take to get a marijuana card. To better aid, you in obtaining your card here is a simple breakdown of the process. If you follow the steps, you will be able to know if you can legally use medicinal cannabis in this state.

  1. See a doctor approved by the state to issue medical marijuana recommendations.
  2. Bring your medical history for your appointment and see the doctor, who willfully examine and evaluate you for a California medical marijuana recommendation.
  3. Get your signed recommendation letter from your doctor and a patient’s rights pamphlet.
  4. Submit your application with any necessary fees and additional documentation to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
  5. Receive your California medical marijuana card in the mail.

Medical Marijuana Card Benefits

A Marijuana card offers some desirable benefits to valid cardholders. For one, they can now buy cannabis from medical dispensaries and use it to treat their illnesses. For two, they don’t have to worry about being arrested or charged with a crime, as the law allows for the medicinal use of this drug. Lastly, cardholders are protected from being discriminated against by employers, landlords and other forms of common discrimination.

Let’s Begin With the Pro Side of Marijuana

  1. If taken in moderation marijuana has no ill effects physically and is no harmful than tobacco or alcohol. The problem starts when an individual begins exploiting it in more massive amounts. If taken in more significant amounts any substance will be detrimental to us whether it is alcohol, tobacco, Marijuana, caffeine, nicotine, or even soft drinks. Has government has banned such stuff? No. So, why only Marijuana must be penalized? Many experts believe that Marijuana is not as addictive as tobacco or alcohol.
  2. It is against the personal freedom of an Individual if he/she is not allowed to use stuff he/she wants. Any person must be free to use or consume a substance he likes. It is the right of an individual to consider what is good or bad for him and any law which forbids him to do so is a violation of an individual’s rights.
  3. If government decriminalize the Marijuana possession and consumption then it would lower its price and many drug-related crimes like smuggling, selling, purchasing would hit hard from it. It would stop illegal traders to do their business and gradually different drugs related crimes would be diminished completely.
  4. Marijuana has many medicinal benefits, and cancer patients routinely use it. It is frequently used in chemotherapy treatment for various cancer-related problems. It is also used in the cases of chronic muscle pain, nausea, depression, migraine, etc. Different U.S. states like California, Colorado, and Washington have allowed the use of Marijuana for Medicinal purposes.
  5. Government earns billions of dollars from revenues taxes coming from Alcohol, tobacco and other products. If they legalize the Marijuana too then, it would be an excellent source of income for the government. Colorado state earned approximately $996 million in 2015 alone. It was a single state if we calculate it for the whole country it would be multi-billion dollar revenue with just Marijuana only.
  6. Our legal resources like Police personnel and court officials (judges, Criminal Defense Attorney, registrar), etc. spend much of their time and drug in drug-related cases. After decriminalization of Marijuana, they will be much free and can deal with other crimes. It will also reduce some pressure from our judiciary system which is already constipated with a significant number of legal cases.

The majority of border-related issues are also related with drug-related illegal trafficking; after legalization, this drug-related trafficking will be reduced for sure as it will be available in our country and there would be no need to smuggle it here.

  1. Apart from the medicinal use of Marijuana, there are many industrial possibilities which could be further accomplished after the legalization of Marijuana. The plant of Marijuana could also be used for preparing paper, dynamite, and composites for auto and even insect repellent. Some experts believe that there could be more than 20,000 products made from Marijuana plant, but the criminalization has made it impossible to get involved in further development of these products.