Organic Vape Juice – What Are the Benefits?

The majority of vape users are ex-smokers who wants to quit the vice. They know from experience that vaping is far healthier than smoking cigarettes. If you look at forum sites, social media or other related website, you can see a lot of positive testimonials about how vapers feel healthier when they start vaping. According to surveys, at least 100,000 searches for organic e-liquid per year has been recorded in different vaping websites. But there are still people who are asking what the real benefits
of using organic e-liquid. We will discuss some of the reasons to use organic e-liquid.
There are no chemical additives
Vaping industry’s primary problem is the use of diacetyl and acetyl propionyl as an additive in e-liquids. Based on a study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, diacetyl is a chemical used in popcorn butter flavoring where workers preparing the chemical developed “popcorn lungs” or bronchiolitis obliterans, a severe lung disease. According to NIOSH, the use of heat in making the flavoring increases the effect of the chemical on the worker’s lungs. Toxicology shows that vapor from heated flavoring with diacetyl can cause damage to the lungs.
Although it is true that most studies exaggerated the effect of diacetyl and acetyl propionyl, these ingredients are also present in traditional cigarettes, but ten times greater than what’s present in e-liquids. Nonetheless, these harmful ingredients are not needed in our body, and anyone who wants to quit smoking to be healthy should know certified natural, and organic vaping juice has no diacetyl, acetyl propionyl or any synthetic additives.
Propylene Glycol-Free Organic Juice
We all know that PG or Propylene Glycol is not an organic ingredient. It is a laboratory-made product, that’s why organic e-liquid don’t use PG as a base. Not only that, other vapers experienced an allergic reaction to PG. This kind of scenario is hazardous, that’s why more and more users are trying a 100% VG e-liquid. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to PG includes sore throat, bronchoconstriction or airway constriction in the lungs, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty sleeping, sore muscle, fatigue, sinus irritation and hives. Although there are a few 100% VG e-juices available today, some still use PG in flavoring and nicotine. If you want a 100%organic vape juice, you have to make sure that the e-liquid you are using is PG-free and certified by USDA.
Accountability and Regulation
Organic vape juice is certified by USDA using a third party with the help of an organic certifying agency. Federal organic regulation’s full compliance guarantees the integrity of these certifications by USDA. It includes certification of the ingredients, the manufacturing equipment and facility, the processed used in making the e-liquid (following established GMP or good manufacturing process) and the level of accountability. All manufacturers should hold at least two organic certificates, an NSF305 and certification by USDA. All of these certifications should be transparent and can be traced in the manufacturing process from the making of the e-liquid to the packaging and selling. For example, a vape juice line should use approved bottles, and every product should have a shelf life of at least five years and uses high-quality and recommended materials and ingredients. All of the production materials like glass and stainless steel should pass the required quality control. Regarding the process used, manufacturers should ensure that the required standard is met and the final product is a real organic e-liquid. Extraction of the ingredients should comply with the organic standards set by USDA.
The benefits of USDA certified organic e-liquid includes:
- The manufacturing process is guaranteed to follow all the standard set by regulatory agencies.
- Cleanliness is crucial that’s why manufacturing facilities are free of contaminants.
- The e-liquid is made from organic and natural ingredients.
- Clean-room is climate-controlled to prevent contamination and ensure mold, bacteria and fungus are deprived of certain conditions to thrive.
(To know more about organic labeling, you can check for more details.)
Clean, organic and all-natural e-liquid
Organic e-liquid should not contain artificial flavoring or artificial sweeteners. All ingredients should be real plant-based extracts and of course certified by USDA. Many allergic reactions caused by artificial sweeteners or PG based nicotine and are likely genetically modified ingredients. USDA approved organic vape juice is free of GMOs or genetically modified organism. Most established e-liquid companies consider GMO as a harmful ingredient and are restricted or banned.